Sunday, April 8, 2012

Welcome and Nice to Meet You

Hello and Welcome to my blog.  By means of introduction, my name is Audra and I live in New Orleans with my trusty feline companion, Maya.  

I have been making stuff for years, and recently have noticed, I may have actually have developed some skills.  I've been posting things on facebook here and there, but last night I thought, why not blog?   My inspiration often comes from diy blogs and pinterest, and I am honored to share.  I like to think of creativity and inspiration as a flowing river we can all dip into.  We might dip at different points, and get some different rocks and critters, but the river is there for us all.

As a sort of blogging mission statement, I'd like to keep the content parameters pretty loose.  If it's related to creating something, it's fair game.  In my mind, that includes music, gardening, and cooking as well as diy craft type things.  Here goes, and may you all stick at least a toe into the river!!

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