Saturday, June 2, 2012

Vase ala Dr. Seuss

 This was a super duper fun project.  Inspiration came from mobile done in the same way I had seen on pinterest.  It is floral wire and tissue paper.  I filled the vase with split peas to sink it all into.  All in all, the whole thing probably cost about $5.  I already had the vase.

I started out making circles, ovals.  As I went on, I found myself getting more and more creative with the shapes, and challenging myself to come up with new ideas for each "stem."  It was honestly hard to stop, and I can't promise I won't keep adding to it.

I have thicker floral wire as the main central stem.  Thinner floral wire makes up each "bloom."  I would shape the floral wire into whatever funky shape, ran a bead of clear elmer's around the wire, and adhered a roughly cut piece of tissue paper to the wire.  After that, I cut more precisely leaving about 3/8 of an inch around the edge of the wire.  Then with more elmer's, I glued that down around the edge.

It was very easy to bend everything to whatever height and shape I wanted it once it was on the main stem.  From further away, the blooms look like they are floating.  Definitely one of my favorite projects.